How can I receive a refund or cancel?

We provide a 7-day refund policy. This policy is determined on a case-by-case basis. In order to receive a refund, a request must be formally made by creating a billing ticket in your client area. There must also be an appropriate reason to be eligible for a refund. This two-step process is in place to prevent any abuse of our refund policy.

If you are wishing to cancel your service, and not request a refund - you can do so by following these steps:

1. Login to your Shock Hosting client area, then select the "Services" dropdown.
2. Click on My Services, and select the service that you are wishing to have canceled.
3. Select on Management Actions to the left, and then select "Request Cancellation."
4. Fill in the cancellation form, please provide a clear and accurate reason for canceling.

Please contact support if you have any questions.

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